Archived Post – April, 2015 – As promised, here is the 2nd of the Two Plant Tales. And, what a vastly different tale this is! Last week’s post featured an almost dead shrub that was ready for the trash heap, who was saved by a Master Gardener. Today, we have these beautiful potted flowers, which are a new addition to our front yard. Last year, we bought these fantastic pots (at a grocery store! Isn’t that unexpected and fun?!) to fill a spot in our flower bed that we thought looked too empty. I found some white flowers – I’m not even sure what they were (remember my disclaimer in the previous post) – but they SAID they were hearty and long-lasting. Well, that did not prove to be the case and so the pots sat, filled with soil and dead flowers – through part of the fall, through the winter and even the first couple of weeks of spring… until last week. I knew the pots needed some love, so off to the plant nursery I went. As I pulled into the parking lot, these vibrant buds caught my eye. I loved the brilliance of the pink and yellow. I loved that the white added a brightness and a spring feel to the bunch.
As I planted them, filling the pot with new soil, carefully taking them out of the plastic container, arranging them in the pot and then delicately adding more soil until the roots were covered, I was again reminded of our Gardener. How lovingly he grows us from the beginning, taking care to plant us where we belong, carefully placing our roots in His soil and carefully covering us with His love. Can you imagine the love he must feel as he stands back and watches us, His Creation? As we open our lives wide to His Word, His Light, His Spirit?
“Consider the lilies, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; but I tell you not even Solomon in all his glory clothed himself like one of these. “But if God so clothes the grass in the field, which is alive today and tomorrow is thrown into the furnace, how much more will He clothe you?”
Take a minute to read Luke 12:22-34 in its entirety. Just before this verse, Jesus was reminding us not to worry. He knows our needs and reminds us to seek His kingdom.
Lord God, Thank you for using the beauty of these flowers, the richness and vibrancy of their color, to remind me that you care about my each and every need. Thank you for shining your truth into my heart, that you love me more than the flowers of the fields and that I am not to worry, but instead seek you all the more.
Many Blessings, Bethany