Just before Christmas I stood, steaming mug of hot tea in my hand, and stared out the window. The trees were mostly bare. Few people walked the sidewalks. The grass was a dull brown. But, the lights. The lights shone brilliantly against the night sky. I whispered a content goodnight to the day.
More recently, I stood, silently, staring out the same window. Morning light glowed orange, casting long shadows and a false sense of warmth. A lone neighbor, bundled tight against the chill, walked the sidewalk. I caught a glimpse of two birds giving chase to each other, landing like graceful dancers in the top tree branches. I whispered good morning to the day.
I pause at this window each morning to fix my coffee, standing side by side with My Beloved, we wait for the last drips from the coffee pot, fill our cups and connect over the ins and outs of the day ahead. Many evenings we stand side by side again mixing hot chocolate or steeping tea.
Cabinets full of coffee and supplies for hot drinks frame the window, and just under the windowsill sits our coffee maker. Mugs are stacked and ready for use. A picture of our wedding day and our growing-too-fast-boy as an infant serve as reminders – time passes quickly.
This space in our home is far from extraordinary, but it’s one of my favorites, dare I say it even feels a touch holy?
The Spiritual Practice of Window-Gazing
A pause. A glance outside. A whisper of thanks for the gift of today.
Thank You for setting the routine of the sun and moon to mark the day. Thank you for the glow of the sun and the cool silver of the moon.
Thank You for this moment to observe the world, quietly, not quite participating.
Thank You for giving breath to my people this morning and strength to rise. May we go out as You call us. May we grow and may we come home together soon.
Thank You for our neighbors. May we be open to ways to be hospitable and loving.
Thank You for this tiny corner of the world in which you’ve placed our family. May we tend to it well.
May we focus our minds on that which is true and honorable, just and pure, lovely and commendable. If there is anything worthy of praise, let us think about these things. (Philippians 4:8)
A pause. A glance outside. A whisper of thanks for the gift of today.
What about you? Do you have an ordinary space in your home you often find a place to pause, a place that feels a touch holy?
Hugs and love, Bethany